Settlement reports

HeidiPay aggregates all of your transactions over 7 days and transfers the full amount through a weekly settlement to your bank account. For each payout, a settlement report is created. Settlement reports provide a detailed breakdown of all payments made to you by HeidiPay and help you to reconcile your accounts.

This guide covers:

How to access your reports

You can access your settlement reports in the “Settlement” section in your Merchant Portal. Here you can view a list of your completed settlements, select an individual settlement to view in more detail and download the settlement report.

Each settlement report shows the transactions which form part of that settlement and provides a breakdown by sales, refunds, clawbacks and fees. Should you wish to reformat or export the data, you can download the report in csv format and open in a spreadsheet or database application.


How to read your reports

The Settlement Details section of a settlement report provides the following information:

Settlement IDA unique system ID for the settlement
Settlement referenceThe reference you will see on your bank statement
Settlement dateThe date on which the settlement was calculated
Order value (sales)The total gross sales value of the orders included within the settlement
Total refund valueThe total value of any customer refunds included within the settlement
Total clawbackThe total value of any clawbacks included within the settlement
Total feesThe total value of the merchant fees included within the settlement
Total settledThe net settlement amount of the sales, refunds, clawbacks and fees

Each settlement is comprised of a number of transactions. Each payment to or from a merchant is recorded as a transaction. For example, an order made by a customer will initially show two transactions, one for the advance by HeidiPay to the merchant and one for the fee paid by the merchant to HeidiPay. The transactions section of a settlement report provides the following information:

Transaction IDA unique system ID for the individual transaction
Merchant order IDThe merchant’s own order reference
Payment Plan IDThe HeidiPay customer payment plan ID
DateThe date of the transaction
SalesThe gross sales value if the transaction is an Advance
RefundThe refund value if the transaction if a customer refund
ClawbackThe clawback value if the transaction is a clawback
FeesThe fee value if the transaction is a fee payment


How to reconcile your settlements

You can use your settlement reports to perform a number of different reconciliations:

1. Reconciliation of settlement against bank account
Use the Settlement Reference to match the settlement amount against your bank statement

2. Reconciliation of transactions within a settlement
Use the Merchant Order ID or the Payment Plan ID to reconcile your orders in the Orders screen against the transactions within a settlement