Test & go live

Test your integration before going live

Before deploying your HeidiPay integration, we recommend to test it in our Sandbox test environment:

What to do:

  • Enter the HeidiPay Sandbox API Key that you received in the onboarding form
  • Tick the “Sandbox environment” box before starting the tests


Please use the test card numbers below for testing purpose

  • Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
  • Name: any name
  • Expiry: any date in the future
  • CVV: any 3-digit number

Purchases made in the test environment are not processed and will not result in proper invoices.

Going live

Once you are happy with testing and are ready to go live, you can replace the HeidiPay Sandbox API Key with the HeidiPay Secret API Key and untick the “Sandbox environment” box.


Make sure to use the appropriate key

If after going live you want to do some testing again, you need to replace the API Secret Key with the API Sandbox key and enable the Sandbox environment.