User management

Only users assigned the role of “Superadmin” have access to the "User" page in the HeidiPay Merchant Portal and can manage users.

Add a user

If you are a Superadmin, you'll find the list of all users of your organisation that have access to the portal in the "Users" section in your Merchant Portal.
To add a new user, click on "Create a new user" and enter the name, email address and permission group of the new user.


Edit user permissions

Users of your organisation can be assigned different permission groups, determining what information they see and what actions they can take in the HeidiPay Merchant Portal.

To change the permission group of a user, go to the "Users" section in your Merchant Portal and click on "Edit" next to the user.

RolePermission description
SuperadministratorAccess to full information / can take all actions in the HeidiPay Merchant Portal.
AdministratorSame as Superadministrator, except no access to user permission page / cannot manage user permissions in the HeidiPay Merchant Portal.
Sales AssistantCan create payment plans and see payment plan details in the HeidiPay Merchant Portal.